Quote Originally Posted by Meatball View Post
I never understood fraternities. Seems like you are selling a part of yourself to make friends and party. Business connections can be made other ways, but I can see how it can definitely be useful. Not my style however.
I'm with you on this one. I definitely don't plan to join one because it seems like you're forcing yourself into this group of people and it's like (ignore my ignorance, but) SUP BROOOOOOOOOO. NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRULY HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE THE HOTTEST GUY IN THE FRAT GETTING ALL THE GIRLS AT THE PARTIES, OR YOU'RE A DOUCHE, (or whatever) I GOTTA TREAT YOU WITH LOVE AND RESPECT. That's just my view, but I'm sure the pros out weigh the cons, just not my style either. Hopefully i'll just get my connections some other way.

This guy I know is pretty stupid and is hated by a lot of people because of it, so I imagine some of his frat bros enjoy his company, plus he lives in the house with them.