Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
wrong - difference between talented and non talented people who don't work at it is sometimes negligible
difference between talented and non talented people who do is always significant; I may play a good chess game if I hone, but I will never be grandmaster material

OP; the usual stuff - try to choose a medium but keep it broad if you must; make sure you have a lot of sources of stimulation, chiefly art but also stuff you have not explored and even have no interest in (Good for breaking esablished patterns, giving you that "on edge/uncomfortable" feeling that is conducive to good art, and allowing you novel perspectives). Hold onto anything that strikes you; the more obscure and the more semantically/sensually/linguistically vivid the better; nurture the idea and develop it as much as you can, rinse and repeat; hold onto good ideas, let them coalesce.
The fact that it's bothering you is a good sign for your potential; those who can most often want to more.
Well this is utterly untrue. Behind just about every "talented" person is an opportunity and desire to hone a craft as well as an immense volume of time spent in meaningful practice.

All "talent" is going to affect is the support and opportunity you have; if you honestly want it, and are willing to work at it tirelessly, you can learn just about any skill.