So the psychiatrist my GP referred me to is good -- clever, very observant, has a sense of humour -- but costs $300 a session (of which I get back $150 from Medicare). Jesus. He's also really quite busy, and rather in-demand. I would like to see him once a week, at least for a little while, but his cost + lack of availability makes that hard.

There are cheaper guys out there, definitely. But shopping around is awful, and every first session with a new one is essentially useless to me because we'd just be rehashing things I've gone over with others or the purposes of evaluation.

In other news, I'm finding myself less completely mental. I am still only half-functioning, and every time I think of my ex (which is all the time) I'm in pain, but at least I no longer feel like the thing to do would be to find some train tracks and lie down on them.

As often.