Here is the thing mr. die. This website has gone to absolute shit and no one gives a fuck about your tl;dr commie discussions. Why the fuck do you keep coming back here when this is the same response you get every fucking time. Guess what, your post made in AI probably deserved to stay in there if we compared it to any other thread in that shithole. No one gives a fuck about or enforces any rules. The only people who get banned are people who atmosfear doesn't like that day. There are no infractions there is nothing. Stop trying to think that you will be treated fairly here because you won't. Ever. As soon as you start talking about marx or that faggot adam smith then everyone will realize right away who you are and you will be ridiculed. STOP FUCKING POSTING HERE AND GO TO SOME COMMIE FORUM WHERE THEY WILL LOVE AND ACCEPT YOUR STUPID FUCKING IDEAS.