Our resident commie fag PM'd me:

Quote Originally Posted by Husein View Post
Still waiting for a resolution on the thread's future that isn't based on "Hurr Commienism."

Edit: While we're on the subject I notice that a lot of Indians permeate throughout Marxism. Harpal Brar is the leader of the CPGB-ML. Hardial Bains was leader of the CPC-ML (and basically the only other relatively well known Hoxhaist in the world besides Bill Bland and Hoxha himself). The three volumes of Capital I have were printed in Bhopal. Also, Anwar Shaikh. And furthermore, lots of Indian Communists in the Hind itself. M.N. Roy, Suniti Kumar Ghosh, and M.N. Vijayan are examples. Plus the India-Albania Friendship Association. If this wasn't enough, Marx mentions Vishnu in Capital. (And for what it's worth, the Naxalites and the current crop of Indian Maoists were/are quite potent)

Someone better tell Sycld that his continent is both a hotbed of Marxism and has done much to further it worldwide.
Fucking duh. Gandhi was a socialist. India was neutral during the Cold War, but it was closer to the Soviet Bloc than the US. For example, my uncle went to university for a period in East Germany.

And the recent economic surge in India is due in no small part to their abandonment of anti-capitalist principles.

Maoists have been found in many parts of the world, like the Shining Path rebels in Peru. So there are some in India, so what?

As for Marx mentioning Vishnu in one of his works, lots of 19th century philosophers were influenced by South and East Asian thought and imagery.

Finally, you forgot to mention that the states of West Bengal and Kerala have had communist parties in government for a while now. In fact, Kerala's first elected government was the very first communist government that had entered power through an open election. Though both states have problems because of this, such as rather business-unfriendly attitudes, one remarkable fact is that Kerala's literacy rate is the highest in the country at 91% (compared to the country-wide literacy rate of 65%.) On the other hand, West Bengal's literacy rate is actually only 61%.