Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
Yer, what the all-knowing Nick said. You're assuming that all i5's are superior to all i7's, but just a little bit of research would bear out that the i5-2500k is better for gaming than the i7-920.

Also, MPR, you're not being a sucker because you're taking advantage of Microcenter's "my god did they steal these processors or how the hell are they making a profit" pricing. Good for you.

Other than that, I'm no expert. But I like my gaming rig.

Are you sure that you can live with a 500 GB hard drive? I don't think I could.
The microcenter deal is a working effort to get people to come to the store and buy other products, they don't really need it considering they are pretty nice stores from what I've heard. Hard Drive prices have gone up dramatically since the manufacturing facility was flooded and the prices probably won't go down for a while even though I doubt they are suffering anymore by now.