Quote Originally Posted by sponge View Post
ok I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet because I only skimmed around the point the thread went full retard but why the fuck are you getting a 560 ti to play new releases on ultra

my 570 plays bf3 on high (or very high... not ultra) at 1920x1080. the 580 might do it, but it's pricey as fuck

seriously you retarded fucks are arguing about an i5-2500k versus an (old?) i7 whose hyperthreading does nothing for gaming and whose cache will give insignificant gains next to a proper graphics card
A 560ti is a great card for any one building their first computer, higher end cards can be intimidating. If he isn't happy about the power of his GPU, then he can either send it back or grab another one and SLI that bitch.