My roommate wants to buy a big TV for about $800 (which he wants me to pay for half). However, I have not a fuck idea what to buy. Here's what I've been gathering:

Screen size will probably be 42" or less, but preferably bigger than 30" for ~$800.

720p is supposedly on it's way "out" because the standard is being set at 1080p with Blue Ray and shit. Plus,I heard it takes more processing to convert a 1080p image to 720p than the other way around, thus shittier quality. Still, I think we should go with 720p because it's cheaper and screens smaller than 42" means cant see shit difference anyway.

Manufacturing name seems to play a big role in quality of the TV and picture. I think it is safe to say to stay away from Westing House, Insignia and the likes. Samsung is supposed to be top of the line, but expensive. What are good 'intermediate' brands? LG, Toshiba, ...?

We will mostly be watching OTA or what ever cheapass cable we have. Roommate is also thinking of buying a PS3, so gaming/Blue-Ray is a possibility. Connecting computers up is a possibility too, although probably only for watching movies, not web surfing or documents (no need high resolution). Ideally, we will make a purchase at a local Best Buy or Fry's, although online ordering is a possibility.