After all the speculation and hype building up to the release of the Apple tablet, Apple sure did disappoint.

You need an adapter for USB for fucks sake. No video output connector, no multitasking, all apps go through Apples App Store. The list of missing features goes on. And it's ugly as sin. The iPod Touch/iPhone design is starting to get old in my opinion. What's with that ugly ass bezel.

Jobs claimed that it has the best web browsing experience ever. Really? So that means Apple will finally support Flash on their mobile devices. Oh wait they aren't. Considering so many websites use Flash I don't see how the iPad will deliver the best web browsing experience.

If they did anything right, they got the price down to a reasonable level to compete with Netbooks at a price of $500 for the 16GB model. Of course Netbooks support up to x10 that much disk space so at $500 I can buy a laptop that does everything the iPad can't. Well besides the touch surface I suppose.
