It is hard to get out of a rut and stay out of it. That sucks he involved the girlfriend and her car, and that she had the call the police on him. I mean, he called back and let her know, so how does one remove a police report of a stolen car? Clearly, she was angry. Who wouldn't be even if your mother took your car out for a couple days without letting you know when and where you took it and when you'll be back? Just a story of bad decisions and lack of foresight.

If the last ten years of my life were a line chart depicting my health and lifestyle choices, I'd say the last few years would have very few spikes of binge drinking and smoking, and more healthy choices and wise decisions. Maybe I'm enjoying the kool-aid, but I kind of see where how choosing to be healthier really has more benefits than strong bones and better stamina. I use to think it was cool being some quasi-nihilistic rude and wild bastard child. Alas, the confusions of youth.