personally i like to always partially bake the crust before i put the sauce and toppings on, and the best way to do this is after you've made and rolled your dough out, use a roller docker, or even a pen cap to poke little holes in your dough, then partially bake it for a couple minutes. the holes allow steam to escape, dock your pizza toppings, and basically allow for a crunchier pizza (if you like that).

after par baking our crust i'll usually add what i call the "diablo sauce" -- regular tomato based sauce (and toss some extra oregano in) mixed with sriracha sauce (also commonly called "rooster sauce"), or if i'm feeling festive, a garlic butter sauce.

then mozzarella, and the following toppings:
italian sausage
pork sausage
chicken (not usually buffalo but if you're into that)
banana peppers
roasted red and green peppers and onions (it's very easy to roast them, and they taste much better than regularly cut and tossed on. throw em in a small baking pan with water, cover it up, and cook it at a very high temperature for a short period, until they start getting limp and absorbing the juices)

finally throw another sprinkle of mozzarella and a sprinkle of cheddar cheese, toss it in the oven for a bit. when it comes out, sprinkle a bit of feta cheese (it's very important not to bake the feta cheese or it will make your kitchen all stinky) and parmesan on there.

yum yum