I haven't seen the original in years, but I'm interested in the remake. Total Recall is based off a Philip K. Dick novel We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.Generally, I like scifi especially PKD's novels. In case you didn't know several good scifi movies are based off of his works including Blade Runner (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?), Minority Report also based off the book with the same name, and A Scanner Darkly (personal favorite!!!) also of the same name.

As for how this film will fair I do not know. As far as I can tell it features a favorable cast - Oh how I love thee Kate Beckinsale . The director, Len Wiseman, who is married to Kate has previously direct the first and second Underworld movies and Live Free, Die Hard, which I thought were really entertaining and fun to watch. The writing is done by a trio, the first two Mark Bomback and James Platten Vanderbilt are relatively starting in their careers, but Kurt Wimmer (whose name I will now be paying attention to when I look up movies) has a whole slew of great movies he has written for including but not limited to: Street Kings, Ultraviolet, Equilibrium, and Sphere.

So, here is hoping to a possibly good scifi thriller that lives up to or is as entertaining as the original.