Quote Originally Posted by ShitFace View Post
Mmmm I dunno gwahir, I think maybe you're saying musical talent where that's a bit of an overstatement imo.

I have no musical talent, but I could imagine becoming really good at it if I put the time into it, like any other game.
I have rhythm and tonal aptitude (I'm not sure what that is lol but I am assuming telling tonal differences and relating it to hand movements etc) though.

I would look up what tonal aptitude is but frankly, its been a long day and I'm tired lol.
It's not a term or anything, it's just aptitude with tones. Basically, a good ear. That's musical talent. If you have a good ear, you have musical talent -- it's likely that what you lack is musical skill (i.e. the ability to ACTUALLY PLAY anything).