Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
Right... to repeat what I said, some states/localities are moving to relax their laws, but many others aren't, so I don't think we can make a general statement that "pot is slowly becoming more legal". I think it's great that Michigan is one of the states that is relaxing it's marijuana laws, but that doesn't change my point. Aside from Michigan, California, and maybe a few others, most of the 50 states aren't doing anything like this, and neither is the federal government.

What is that, like around 25% of America over a 12 year period?

Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
Yeah, he probably would. He doesn't make the laws, though. His willingness to let pot slide will only matter if and when Congress decides to repeal the legislation that criminalizes marijuana possession, and sends the bill to him for a signature. And that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. So, again, my point stands.
Thanks for reminding us how the Government works. I totally forgot and I'm sure many of the people here didn't know this either.

Quote Originally Posted by simonj View Post
Bush did coke and 8 years of him didn't lead to any lighter drug laws.
Great way to come in here and take a whack at Bush. You must feel like a man now. Thanks for your amazing contribution to this topic