Syme, don't I recall having this discussion with you once and you taking the complete opposite side?

Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
The thing you call "your personality" is nothing but a series of learned behaviours and thinking patterns that have been caused by your experiences. Is your "personality" English? No, you can see that it's quite evident that you're English because of the languages of your parents or whatever, it was decided by external factors and then BECAME part of you.
Why do you like the things you like? Again, because of the associations you make between them and earlier experiences, advertising, emotions etc. All of the things that make you you originated in your EXPERIENCES, making you a composite of things imposed on you EXTERNALLY, not originating with some "soul" or other inherent factor.
THAT IS CONDITIONING IN A NUTSHELL, rendering this argument a little futile. Sure, your current personality may see a purely good personality imposed on it as an intrusion, a threat to itself, but it can't claim it came about by anything other than the same means.

Now your personality exists, sure you have the "free will" to choose whichever door you like.
But your personality was made, not born, so the factors that led to you choosing THAT door were not your own.
Think you, thank.