I am just really going to throw in my 2 cents, most of what I have to say will have been said.

I think the change in focus is the right one. To put it in simple terms, yall don't need all that firepower, warfare has changed. I really do think that we have reached a point in history where the likes of WW2 will not be seen again for a very, very long time.

No country can put the US in a position where it needs all that firepower and fancy weaponry. Not because there are no countries strong enough, countries can ally with others etc. Its the simple fact that there almost certainly wouldn't be a winner, no one would be that stupid because the knock on effects would be unthinkable. Trade is what makes the world work. If you take out one of the biggest players in trade, the effects will be massive.

The US has a new enemy, one that a shitload of guns cannot beat. They don't play by conventional rules, if they did the wars in the middle east would be over. It isn't enough to carpet bomb some coordinates anymore.