I was high the other day, and I started thinking about the concept of perpetual youth. If this were possible, would you choose to never die?

Hypothetically, assume something was developed to allow people to stay young forever and never die by age alone. Now this obvioulsly comes with major social issues, the most prominant of which is the problem of overpopulation. If everyone could live forever, we would exaust our resources so fast it could kill the species.

So what if was created, but in order to be able to live forever the trade off would be sterility. You can live forever, but can not reproduce. This is a tough question because it conflicts the two primal instincts that all of us share. 1) self preservation, and 2) procreation, the two things that are essentially the purpose of life. The question is, which is more important to us?

It seems easy to look out for #1, but it wouldn't stop you from getting hit by a truck, or getting cancer or whatever. You would be essentially placing the thousands of years of your geneology on your shoulders, and if you did die you're gene pool would be completely removed, very unevolutionary. However, given the abusrdity of life after death, existance is everything, and if you aren't around to experience it, it doesn't matter. But at the same time, by successfully procreating and choosing death you are ensuring the survival of successful traits that will be passed on to later generations, improving the species.

Tough call.