Quote Originally Posted by Nick2.1 View Post
I remember getting my ass beat when I was a kid and everyone I meet tells me that I am a perfect gentleman and I was thoroughly taught manners. So to a certain extent, parents should be able to discipline their kids in a physical manner. Most of the people my age that weren't raised the same way are selfish pricks(most of the time anyways). My little brother was never given the same treatment and now he abuses drugs and alcohol. I understand that not everyone who is given this sorta discipline ends up being proper, but the worlds going to hell with all this lovey dovey oprah hug your children not smack them method.
With all due respect, I'm going to guess that you have absolutely no meaningful evidence that bad behavior in children is caused by this "lovey dovey oprah method", and are just jumping to baseless conclusions on instinct, anecdote, blind guesswork, mimicry of currently popular tropes, or some combination.