Quote Originally Posted by Trojan View Post
So, their shitty system is mildly better when it comes to cost than the shitty system we have now.
"Mildly"? US per capita health care costs are $6000 per year. For most developed European countries, it's around $3000 per year or less. They also don't leave nearly 50 million people uninsured, as the US system does.

Quote Originally Posted by Trojan
How about we try a real free market health care system? One in which I can call around to clinics and hospitals and get real pricing information. I wouldn't take my car to an auto shop that wouldn't tell me their pricing, but I have to get my health care that way.
Are you saying that in this system, people would pay for their medical care out-of-pocket on an as-needed basis, rather than having medical insurance? That's what it sounds like you are implying when you talk about calling around and checking prices.