Quote Originally Posted by gismo View Post

Alot of people take it for granted, waste valuable time with minor complaints. There is a problem with waiting lists for operations. At the moment I am waiting to see someone, god knows how long that will have to take. But I will wait, and I won't complain, as this beats having to pay in full out of my own pocket, I just cannot afford it. Of all the possible uses of tax money, this is probably the least objectionable in my opinion. I feel comforted knowing that people in my country get taken care of when they need it.
This is because you are not allowed to object to it, under pain of a prison sentence sentence.

My problem with the NHS is that if it fucks up, you can't go somewhere else. You instead have to pay for the NHS AND for a private hospital if you're (understandably) pissed off with the NHS.