I've never had any reason to believe in any sort of God. Even as a kid I didn't think just because it said so in a really old book meant it was true that there was a God. As I grew up I learnt more about evolution and looked down on kids who seriously believed in the garden of eden.

Throughout school I was basically an agnostic, taking the view that "if there is a judgemental God I'm far more likely to be judged on my merits as a person instead of how often I visited a relatively old building with some statues in"

Eventually I came to the conclusion that I'm an atheist because, while it may be impossible to prove that any sort of God exists, I personally do not believe one does.

On the issue of Pascal's Wager (the idea that the pros of being religious - mostly the concept of Heaven - outweigh the cons of not being religious - mostly the possibility of Hell) I think believing in God just so you might end up in Heaven isn't really true faith so that's all bullshit to me.

Would I like there to be a God? No. I have no reason to. There isn't anything especially trivial that is unexplained in our universe that needs a God theory to back it up. Evolution is, to me at least, a far more beautiful and coherent explanation for creation. There's a wonderful quote by Douglas Adams that sums it up: "Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"