Quote Originally Posted by Kozzle View Post
You have way too much faith in the "good will" (lol) of the politicians of your country
The UN exists, has legitimacy, has funding, has influence, and has power solely because the US decided it did. Strictly speaking, NATO is still the most influential international treaty because its member nations strictly obey and support it. The UN is simply a concession of the world's superpowers to let developing nations sleep at night. Any time a nation's individual interests conflict with the UN's, the UN is overruled. The world's goodwill toward the UN is a direct testament to the military strength of the US and, to a lesser extent, NATO, and the willingness of the US to use its military with or without UN approval.

If you don't believe the UN is a powerless entity, take a look at its body of work regarding nuclear proliferation or weapons of mass destruction. Despite confirmed used of mustard gas in Iraq, the UN failed to take action against Saddam Hussein. Despite confirmation of North Korean, Iranian, and Indian nuclear weapons programs, the UN has done nothing. UN weapons inspection is a joke and their jurisdiction is limited to the areas permitted by the sovereign nations they enter.

The world can take the UN and shove it up its ass; aside from providing voluntary mediation and safe haven for world leaders to meet, it's endowments and contributions to the world will soon be less than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's.