Empty blackness. Long as eternity, deep as infinity, there is nothing but inky ambience and your own staccato thoughts to keep you remotely sane. Barely.

Welcome to the Dark underworld, where the ghosts of your former self are your only companion.
There is nothing but the void, darkness so thick you can suffocate. Sometimes you wish you would.
There is nothing to look forward to, only things to look back to. Even then, the more you access these memories for your own sanity, the more they become diluted and bleached with the liquid of time. The murkier these images become, the more you slowly slip into yourself.

Floating in silence, in darkness, like an unborn child in the womb of a dead mother, memories fading and sanity breaking, this is your fate. You first felt rage, hot and passionate at the injustice that has been dealt to you. Anger of a caliber you’ve never known before, burning like a wildfire from the deepest depth of hell in your heart, keeps you alert. But there is nothing to perceive.

Soon, the blaze of your anger dies down, and only embers remain. It occurs to you, nothing is infinite. Nothing at all. Plants wither, people die, even the Earth rearranges itself with time. Even stars burn out.
Nothing is infinite. Nothing but the bleak limbo you are prisoner in. The embers of your passions continue to burn for some time, what was once grand flames, mighty and full of passion dissipate into nothing but a pathetic mockery of its former self. Just like you.

The embers, now nothing more than a crippling, consuming despair, last for longer than time itself. Even the despair will die. The memories you have are what keep the encroaching cold at bay in place of the heat of your emotions. In a twisted way. There is no hot or cold. There is only the darkness.
Eventually it hits you. Your memories have all been stripped away, and are perverted by constant overuse. Insanity creeps in, and you wish for death to overtake you. No, not death. Death implies resting. You wish for a nihilistic end to all.

Such is reality.