I found this on an anti-twilight site my friend linked me to. I know there's lot's of single lesbians here so I thought I'd post it. It gave me a laugh.
Okay. Seriously, you have to stop this! Right now!!!

Like, okay, maybe Twilight isn't the best series in the world... but can you do better?!! She wrote it when she was only FIFTEEN. You heard me. FIFTEEN!!! Seriously guys, cut her some slack, she's just a kid!! And you know what? She's writing it with real family values in it. How many stories do you get where people don't have sex before marriage? NONE. This is because this sort of family value is DYING OUT in AMERICA!!!!!! Twilight is going to save our country so you'd better all stop dissing it! Walk down the street, and what do you see? You see girls out wearing skimpy clothes and buying makeup and some of them are holding hands and KISSING. Like in that song that's on the radio now. You know what that means? THEY'RE LESBIANS, OKAY! That's BAD. Lesbians are EVERYWHERE. Like, you could give your daughter Twilight and she could go out and meet a nice boy who treats her right or you could give her some other devil-speaking fantasy crap and she could become a LESBIAN. You JUST don't KNOW what they'll do unless you try really hard to show them good values!! Like the ones in Twilight!!! Twilight's going to save our youth because it's promoting healthy straight relationships with no sex before marriage and treating children good.

So you've got this special little club and you all gather round in a big circle and masturbate about punctuation and grammar and writing. Like, ooh, you're so great!!! Well, NOT ONE OF YOU IS PUBLISHED. And none of you have got jobs, and I'll bet you're all stupid and your parents don't love you cause they tried to give you good books like Twilight and you threw them away because of STUPID DUMB things like BAD WRITING and now you're single or a lesbian and they cry every night because you could have had a good husband like Edward. YOU'RE NOT PUBLISHED. NONE OF YOU!!!! I'd like to see you write something HALF AS GOOD as what Stephenie writes AND SHE'S ONLY FIFTEEN, GUYS!! Seriously!! She's the best writer I've ever seen and believe me I read a lot of fiction and fantasy and books like that, I've read Inheritance and the Legend of Rah and the Muggles and heaps of that so-called classic liberal shit and NONE OF IT is as GOOD or as WHOLESOME as Twilight.

So just shut your damn mouths! Cause you've really upset her now and she might never write again and it'll be your own faults! And I'm really sad too, but even more than that, I'm angry. I'm FURIOUS!! I'm REALLY REALLY PISSED OFF at you because of what you've done to such a good author. It's going to be your fault when our great country goes down the drain cause all our kids are doing drugs and marrying each other and having sex out of wedlock because YOU KILLED TWILIGHT. YOUR FAULT!!!!!