Okay I didn't really steal it, but might as well have. I've been looking at Sears Craftsman yard mowers for the past week or so and found a few on clearance that weren't too bad. There were a few YT3000 (98921) tractors between $1160 and $1360, regular price being $1659, along with a compare of last years models. I procured a 2008 catalog to compare them and found the YS4500 (98822) to be nearly the same as the YT3000, lacking one horsepower but adding a hydrostatic transmission. The DLS3500 fell under the "Lawn Tractor" category, being a bit more light duty and having a steel front axle. The YT3000 (98922, same as the 98921 but with hydrostatic tranny)was on sale for $1299, $550 off the regular price, creating a tempting alternative to the discontinued or refurbished tractors.

Long story short, the '08 YS4500 was $1202 a few days ago, originally $1859. This morning it was down to $1081. I asked for the store manager and got it for an even $900, ending up paying less than $1000 for it with tax (still getting used to this damned 9% sales tax) and a manual edger. There's a four-stroke Weedwhacker and a nice power washer on clearance over there as well that are tempting to negotiate for, but I'll probably just wait for now.

That self-propelled mower I bought a few months ago just got too tedious. Kinda sucks I bought one of the higher end models as I was planning to hold off on a rider, but at least it should last a while. With hurricane season officially upon us a generator is next on the list, followed by a power washer, air compressor, and tiller (either standalone or mower attachment). I'm thinking a garden is in the plans for next spring.

Time to grab a beer and test out the mower.