Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
Point 1. You're 17. In the scope of things, you know nothing. You watch CNN, you've probably taken a political science class, and now you're regurgitating whatever "expert opinion" you've heard on TV or read in a dated textbook your highschool provided you. So Bravo.

Point 2. You equate political grid-lock to a bird flying. Do actually believe this holds any content? How do I refute that an bird can't fly without wings, and then relate that back to political science. Oh wait, because they're two completely separate things.

Point 3. I'm a fan of the UN. I believe in it. That's not to say it isn't flawed but look what it's trying to do. It has a large task, it's not going to be perfect and overtime it will improve. I have faith in the system, you want to shut it down and build it again from the ground up. Why?

Is there any substantial backing you have to this or are you just talking again?

You're attempting to elicit an argument from a) too many points, b) from inexperience, c) the mind of, say, a 17 year old. By this last point, what I'm trying to say is that you called the previous president a monkey (your diction in general), you use generalized jargon that you've probably heard from your parents, and you have a hard train of thought to follow.

That being said, I appreciate younger people who attempt to get involved in politics; we need more people that.
The UN is a good thing inherently. Currently, it's bound by WAY too much red tape to do anyone any good, and I think (judging by your post) that you have the wisdom to agree with that.
That said, its HUMANITARIAN part is about 90% of that "good thing" right there, but its peacekeeping aspect is what really needs to be rebuilt.
And let's be honest for a moment here, Bush WAS a monkey, theres really no getting around it.

And my analogy to the Eagle DOES stand. The Left Wing is JUST as important as the Right Wing, and your saying that because political gridlock and an Eagle flying aretwo seperate things that it isn't valid, which also says that you disagree. Are you saying that America would be better off with only the Left Wing or only the Right Wing?