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    Default I hope this is an appropriate first post.

    Well, to start it off simply, the entire World has gone to hell, and is currently roasting medium well in a nice little corner so remote that barely anyone realizes it.
    Now I know that hell on Earth is a difficult concept to understand for most people, but really, if you can’t see what the hell is wrong with the world then get the fuck off my planet. Honestly.
    If you’ve opened a newspaper recently, you’ve obviously been swamped with the most disturbing, openly balls out retarded articles you’ve ever read. This isn’t an isolated thing. This is the entire world falling apart, and no one has the balls to do anything about it.

    Well. My first point is the whole equal rights argument. NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. Some people just shouldn’t be given rights. Anarchists for example, should be treated more suspect than the average person. Those who actively work to undermine the government should be treated as terrorists, and charged as such.
    And criminals, oh my god do not get me started on criminals. These low lives do NOT deserve equal rights as I do.
    Me > A Child Molester. It should be recognized in the court of law that I, who have no previous offenses and nothing seriously wrong with me (Tourettes aside) should get more leniency and more of a chance to escape conviction for a minor offense than a pedophile would. This isn’t true. It sickens me. A common thief should have more pride than the people who regulate our justice system.

    The UN is a failure. This is why I am a self proclaimed Revanchist. I can list so many times that the UN has failed at doing its job in the last 20 years that it would make Santa Clause cry himself into a drunken stupor. North Korea’s nuclear program. Russia illegally selling weapons across the globe. Iran going Nuclear. The US invading Iraq (I’m a proud American patriot and I will be the first to admit that our country SCREWED UP with that whole mess. We managed to turn a stable (well…relatively stable anyway) shithole into a complete blunderfuck in about 5 years. No other nation has ever managed that in the history of the world in that frame of time, except for Japan during WWII, again courtesy of the US.) Which we spent the next 30 years rebuilding might I add!

    More than that, the UN is a good idea, but it was executed horribly. I say we need to completely rewrite the entire thing from the ground up regarding international conflict. The peacekeeping aspect of the UN fails miserably, almost as bad as America did in electing Dubya as president. We had a goddamn monkey working the white house for EIGHT. FUCKING. YEARS. Am I the only person who sees the irony in that? Everyone hates him and he gets elected twice.

    Abortion. Do people honestly think that they have a right to tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her body? These are usually the same people who want to proudly march us into the tenth century. I’m not exaggerating when I say that half of these people are complete nut jobs who masturbate FURIOUSLY to all things right winged while loading their rifles and waving their American flags on the warpath to the nearest liberals house. God forbid gays should ever have equal rights, for fear that they will actively seek to destroy America next, and from there the entire world!

    Now don’t get me wrong, I do not by any means dislike conservatives, hell, I have quite a few conservative tendencies myself. I think the whole liberal vs conservative thing is the most retarded thing to happen since the movie Superbad. When it comes to the Right to Bear Arms, I can safely say that I take the "Molon Labe" stance on this issue. Our constitution DECLARES us the right to have guns, and anyone who thinks gun control is a good idea is WILLFULLY IGNORANT of the standing statistics and should be SHOT, just for the ironic enjoyment of the rest of us.

    People judge each other for the smallest things, and I know that occasionally you CAN tell a man by the kind of porn he watches (no I’m not serious. Well. Kinda.) you can’t tell everything about somebody.
    Poor analogy, but it stands.

    That’s one of the major flaws with American society as I see it, we focus too much on labeling and categorizing each other. In the eyes of an overconservative, if you support gay rights or abortion you’re a hippie liberal commie who needs to be shot for ruining this country. In the eyes of an overliberal, if you DON’T support gay rights or abortion you’re a stingy, old fashioned bigoted bastard who is ruining this country.


    I, as a 17 year old, seem to have more wisdom then anyone in the Goddamn country that identifies themselves as either Republican or Democrat. The United States is a great country. It’s an eagle, flying high overhead, just out of reach of everything below it.

    The liberals, or the “left wing” think that this eagle will fly better without its right wing altogether.

    The conservatives, or “right wing” think that this eagle would fly better without its left wing altogether.

    Has anyone ever seen what happens to an eagle when it tries to fly with only one wing? For our more conservative or liberal listeners, I’ll give you a few minutes to think that over, I know it’s a little hard to understand. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

    I am not advocating bringing down this country stone by stone and building it back up.
    I AM advocating bringing down the obsolete, out of date, and useless trends in this country stone by stone and using what we already have to work with to put it back, but better.

    The problem with this, however, is that it requires hard work, effort, and money from the politicians pockets. This is a terrible sin to anyone who has ever held office or a position of power, and as such, will most likely never happen.

    Now, I for one want to help this country get out of the rut that it is currently in, and move forward into a life that would be better for everyone! America as a superpower can only be a good thing, and as we are, that’s slipping away.

    This country isn’t BAD per say, its just in a bad place. And yes, there are those who could argue that its not even in a bad place, and hell I’ll give them credit and say they could argue it successfully. At the same time, even those who are most extreme in their arguments against the “bad place” theory for America could not argue that we are not in a GOOD place.

    Lets compromise for a second, and agree that we are not in a GOOD place, but not neccesarily in a BAD place.

    That leaves us with the middle path. Average. Plain.

    I submit, is it a life worth living in if everything is steeped in mediocrity?
    Last edited by Darth Vader; 09-30-2009 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Strangle Hazard thank mr skeltal's Avatar
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    In on the ground floor of a thread nobody read before blindly replying.

    ps: welcome to CD.

  3. #3
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Point 1. You're 17. In the scope of things, you know nothing. You watch CNN, you've probably taken a political science class, and now you're regurgitating whatever "expert opinion" you've heard on TV or read in a dated textbook your highschool provided you. So Bravo.

    Point 2. You equate political grid-lock to a bird flying. Do actually believe this holds any content? How do I refute that an bird can't fly without wings, and then relate that back to political science. Oh wait, because they're two completely separate things.

    Point 3. I'm a fan of the UN. I believe in it. That's not to say it isn't flawed but look what it's trying to do. It has a large task, it's not going to be perfect and overtime it will improve. I have faith in the system, you want to shut it down and build it again from the ground up. Why?

    The UN is a failure. This is why I am a self proclaimed Revanchist. I can list so many times that the UN has failed at doing its job in the last 20 years that it would make Santa Clause cry himself into a drunken stupor. North Korea’s nuclear program. Russia illegally selling weapons across the globe. Iran going Nuclear. The US invading Iraq (I’m a proud American patriot and I will be the first to admit that our country SCREWED UP with that whole mess. We managed to turn a stable (well…relatively stable anyway) shithole into a complete blunderfuck in about 5 years. No other nation has ever managed that in the history of the world in that frame of time, except for Japan during WWII, again courtesy of the US.) Which we spent the next 30 years rebuilding might I add!
    Is there any substantial backing you have to this or are you just talking again?

    You're attempting to elicit an argument from a) too many points, b) from inexperience, c) the mind of, say, a 17 year old. By this last point, what I'm trying to say is that you called the previous president a monkey (your diction in general), you use generalized jargon that you've probably heard from your parents, and you have a hard train of thought to follow.

    That being said, I appreciate younger people who attempt to get involved in politics; we need more people that.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
    Point 1. You're 17. In the scope of things, you know nothing. You watch CNN, you've probably taken a political science class, and now you're regurgitating whatever "expert opinion" you've heard on TV or read in a dated textbook your highschool provided you. So Bravo.

    Point 2. You equate political grid-lock to a bird flying. Do actually believe this holds any content? How do I refute that an bird can't fly without wings, and then relate that back to political science. Oh wait, because they're two completely separate things.

    Point 3. I'm a fan of the UN. I believe in it. That's not to say it isn't flawed but look what it's trying to do. It has a large task, it's not going to be perfect and overtime it will improve. I have faith in the system, you want to shut it down and build it again from the ground up. Why?

    Is there any substantial backing you have to this or are you just talking again?

    You're attempting to elicit an argument from a) too many points, b) from inexperience, c) the mind of, say, a 17 year old. By this last point, what I'm trying to say is that you called the previous president a monkey (your diction in general), you use generalized jargon that you've probably heard from your parents, and you have a hard train of thought to follow.

    That being said, I appreciate younger people who attempt to get involved in politics; we need more people that.
    The UN is a good thing inherently. Currently, it's bound by WAY too much red tape to do anyone any good, and I think (judging by your post) that you have the wisdom to agree with that.
    That said, its HUMANITARIAN part is about 90% of that "good thing" right there, but its peacekeeping aspect is what really needs to be rebuilt.
    And let's be honest for a moment here, Bush WAS a monkey, theres really no getting around it.

    And my analogy to the Eagle DOES stand. The Left Wing is JUST as important as the Right Wing, and your saying that because political gridlock and an Eagle flying aretwo seperate things that it isn't valid, which also says that you disagree. Are you saying that America would be better off with only the Left Wing or only the Right Wing?

  5. #5
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    The UN is a good thing inherently. Currently, it's bound by WAY too much red tape to do anyone any good, and I think (judging by your post) that you have the wisdom to agree with that.
    That said, its HUMANITARIAN part is about 90% of that "good thing" right there, but its peacekeeping aspect is what really needs to be rebuilt.
    And let's be honest for a moment here, Bush WAS a monkey, theres really no getting around it.

    And my analogy to the Eagle DOES stand. The Left Wing is JUST as important as the Right Wing, and your saying that because it's two seperate things also says that you disagree. Are you saying that America would be better off with only the Left Wing or only the Right Wing?
    The world isn't run by vigilantism. It takes order. Order requires a process. That process inherently requires some sort of "red-tape". I don't want any political bias I have to get involved, I'm simply telling you how it is: debate is not calling the president a monkey and forcing someone to retort that.

    Given a population of opinions, they find an average. For example, if one person is asked how much something weighs his opinion may be way off, but overtime ask more people, and the average becomes extremely close. Same thing goes with politics, which is why most parties gravitate to the center. This is why candidates who sway too far off center usually fall out of a race. I'm not saying you're incorrect, I'm saying your analogy sucks.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
    I'm not saying you're incorrect, I'm saying your analogy sucks.
    Oh. My bad. Well in that case, what would you present as a more apropriate and accurate analogy?

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    skimmed it, my advice is stop bitching about everything and live your life
    second piece of advice: the majority of the world(including probably the majority of people you talk to) does not give a shit about your opinion
    third piece of advice: you're 17, you don't know shit. trust me i'm the same age.

  8. #8
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    I wouldn't associate politics to a bird without wings. If you need to use analogy it means you don't think the audience you're talking to understands what you're saying, and while that may be the case, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

    I get what you're saying, in fact, I think we all get it. The point is, you're not bringing anything new to the table. In fact, I would expect something like this from someone who is 17 and just now forming an opinion of his/her own.

    "I am not advocating bringing down this country stone by stone and building it back up.
    I AM advocating bringing down the obsolete, out of date, and useless trends in this country stone by stone and using what we already have to work with to put it back, but better."

    Do elaborate.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


  9. #9
    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    I'm saying he's incorrect for you, TOGS. The world has always been screwed up and full of unspeakable things. It's just that these things are made widely known now through mass media.

    Tut, tut. The OP could have used the energy he put into this post towards killing himself. Too bad for the sake of our poor poor eyes he did not.

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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  10. #10
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    I'm saying he's incorrect for you, TOGS. The world has always been screwed up and full of unspeakable things. It's just that these things are made widely known now through mass media.

    Tut, tut. The OP could have used the energy he put into this post towards killing himself. Too bad for the sake of our poor poor eyes he did not.
    I didn't want to let him down too hard you know.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


  11. #11
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    itt togs takes great pains to prove to a 17 year old posting under the pseudonym darth vader that he is more intelligent
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermy2k View Post
    it's been 8 months since i posted in this thread and ayn rand is still dead

    we did it

  12. #12
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack burden View Post
    itt togs takes great pains to prove to a 17 year old posting under the pseudonym darth vader that he is more intelligent
    As long as I can get one.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


  13. #13
    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    blindly posting in a thread i didn't read

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    The worst part about being young is believing for even a moment that you're original

    just makes you look like a jerk

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    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    the worst part about being young is being young

  16. #16
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Or looking young.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


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    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    looking young has it's ups and downs

    mostly ups as time goes on

  18. #18
    Take orally. no_brains_no_worries's Avatar
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    Some people should not be given rights. I agree! We should start with Gwair and Mr. E.
    Quote Originally Posted by ozzy View Post
    He came to the states for his birthday and now he's going home in a body bag. That's what you get for sending your child to Utah.
    Quote Originally Posted by raghead View Post
    i would have whipped out my dick in that situation
    Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
    News flash, guys can't get pregnant from vaginal sex either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Atmoscheer View Post
    But what is their policy on winning the hearts and minds through forcible vaginal entry?

  19. #19
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    i wonder if no brains meant me

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    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    p.s. itt the original poster comes up with a brilliant (read: disturbingly nationalistic) analogy involving the US and an eagle and then equates the political left and right wing to actual wings of the eagle

    so what you're saying is that the US definitely needs these two overweight, over-hungry, agenda-ridden entities bickering and fighting over the american mainland

    you're not wise, kid, you're arrogant and pointless. you stick of youthful defiance and yet hate anarchists. you decry over-labelling and define yourself as a "self-proclaimed revanchist".

    oh yeah, and you're also a right-winger.

  21. #21
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    or i don't know a really confusing mix of libertarianism and conservatism

    it's weird

    christ kid you are mixed up read some ethical philosophy please

  22. #22
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    If you’ve opened a newspaper recently, you’ve obviously been swamped with the most disturbing, openly balls out retarded articles you’ve ever read. This isn’t an isolated thing. This is the entire world falling apart, and no one has the balls to do anything about it.
    well then good thing you're here to save the day, isn't it.

    this is grade-a conservatism, and wholly stupid on top of it. you honestly think the world is worse-off now than ever before? i'm not going to lie -- america isn't anything crash hot but the rest of the world is better off in healthcare, technologies, human rights, ethical philosophy and in pretty much every other way than it's ever been. don't make the mistake of thinking that because certain things are being reported more, they're happening more. (too late. you've made that mistake in a BIG way.) and before you jump on an easy cue, the media is concurrently worse and better than it's ever been.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    Well. My first point is the whole equal rights argument. NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. Some people just shouldn’t be given rights. Anarchists for example, should be treated more suspect than the average person. Those who actively work to undermine the government should be treated as terrorists, and charged as such.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    And criminals, oh my god do not get me started on criminals. These low lives do NOT deserve equal rights as I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    The UN is a failure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    I’m a proud American patriot
    jesus christ conservative

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    Abortion. Do people honestly think that they have a right to tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her body? These are usually the same people who want to proudly march us into the tenth century. I’m not exaggerating when I say that half of these people are complete nut jobs who masturbate FURIOUSLY to all things right winged while loading their rifles and waving their American flags on the warpath to the nearest liberals house. God forbid gays should ever have equal rights, for fear that they will actively seek to destroy America next, and from there the entire world!
    all correct, but phenomenally naive and arrogant

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    Our constitution DECLARES us the right to have guns
    oh ok then it must be so

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    That’s one of the major flaws with American society as I see it, we focus too much on labeling and categorizing each other. In the eyes of an overconservative, if you support gay rights or abortion you’re a hippie liberal commie who needs to be shot for ruining this country. In the eyes of an overliberal, if you DON’T support gay rights or abortion you’re a stingy, old fashioned bigoted bastard who is ruining this country.
    if you don't support gay rights and abortion you are unethical, uneducated, sexist, homophobic, probably racist (statistically speaking of course) and definitely awful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    This country isn’t BAD per say


    yeah it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    I submit, is it a life worth living in if everything is steeped in mediocrity?
    i hate to resort to the obvious but you tell me cheech

  23. #23
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    I still find it odd that people on the supreme court can't view the constitution as a LIVING document.

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


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    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
    I still find it odd that people on the supreme court can't view the constitution as a LIVING document.
    what are you talking about the framers of the constitution clearly had the foresight to predict such as things as the internet and modern medical technology down the line and wrote it for a nation in which all people had equal rights and not one in which half the white population and most of the non-white population was completely disenfranchised

    i mean god togs wtf are you talking about

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    what are you talking about the framers of the constitution clearly had the foresight to predict such as things as the internet and modern medical technology down the line and wrote it for a nation in which all people had equal rights and not one in which half the white population and most of the non-white population was completely disenfranchised

    i mean god togs wtf are you talking about
    if they wanted the constitution to be a living document they would have added the possibility of amendments
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermy2k View Post
    it's been 8 months since i posted in this thread and ayn rand is still dead

    we did it

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    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack burden View Post
    if they wanted the constitution to be a living document they would have added the possibility of amendments
    yes because every time technology or the world change we make an amendment to reflect this change cause all congress does is make constitutional amendments all day

    where are the amendments on digital property and sex change surgery

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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    togs what the fuck did you do to gwahir
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermy2k View Post
    it's been 8 months since i posted in this thread and ayn rand is still dead

    we did it

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    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack burden View Post
    togs what the fuck did you do to gwahir
    i know i know but guys like this remind me of me five years ago and i hate nobody as much as i hate me five years ago

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    Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
    i know i know but guys like this remind me of me five years ago and i hate nobody as much as i hate me five years ago
    i guess if you're under 25 and you don't hate yourself even a year ago then something is wrong
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermy2k View Post
    it's been 8 months since i posted in this thread and ayn rand is still dead

    we did it

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    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack burden View Post
    i guess if you're under 25 and you don't hate yourself even a year ago then something is wrong
    i hate myself more and more each day, so i must really be doing something right

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
    Atheists are quite right

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    eh hedgerow's Avatar
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    I don't really get how the world has gone to hell. Is it actually any worse than it was at any other point in history or do we just hear about all the bad stuff more and then cry about it from the luxury of our silk cushioned bidet? I'm sure older generations wouldn't be so quick to tell us "it was better in my day" if the news reporters of their youth had been informed and equipped enough to record live action footage of Big Johnny shoving the second ever edition of "The Beano" up Little Timmy's urethra.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hydro View Post
    I don't really get how the world has gone to hell. Is it actually any worse than it was at any other point in history or do we just hear about all the bad stuff more and then cry about it from the luxury of our silk cushioned bidet? I'm sure older generations wouldn't be so quick to tell us "it was better in my day" if the news reporters of their youth had been informed and equipped enough to record live action footage of Big Johnny shoving the second ever edition of "The Beano" up Little Timmy's urethra.
    I lol'd.
    Quote Originally Posted by coqauvin View Post
    the worst part about being young is being young
    and not being able to buy booze. just saying.

    Also. Gwahir, in your infinite wisdom, why don't you enlighten us to the panacea of the left and right wings of America? If it's such a bad system, then please give us one that does better.

  33. #33
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vader View Post
    I lol'd.

    and not being able to buy booze. just saying.

    Also. Gwahir, in your infinite wisdom, why don't you enlighten us to the panacea of the left and right wings of America? If it's such a bad system, then please give us one that does better.
    Why waste the time?

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha


  34. #34
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    hang on the guy who claimed to be wiser than anyone in his country who identifies with either major party is giving me attitude about hubris

    step back, casualdiscourse

    step back

  35. #35
    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    whoa guys, hold on. he knows the word panacea and is not afraid to use it, even though he's only 17.

    also buddy just because someone can't think of an entire system of government that operates better off the top of their head doesn't negate the statement that the current system is shitty and broken.

  36. #36
    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    also, clearly communism is the answer, but that's mostly because i want to spite ayn rand

  37. #37
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coqauvin View Post
    also, clearly communism is the answer, but that's mostly because i want to spite ayn rand
    well who doesn't

  38. #38
    Scito Te Ipsum TheOriginalGrumpySpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coqauvin View Post
    also, clearly communism is the answer, but that's mostly because i want to spite ayn rand
    I foresee his response to this being "Communism works in theory but human nature wont let it".

    Because that is the fucking line every retard uses..

    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." -Anne Frank

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  39. #39
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
    I foresee his response to this being "Communism works in theory but human nature wont let it".

    Because that is the fucking line every retard uses..
    haha me five years ago said this so often

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
    I foresee his response to this being "Communism works in theory but human nature wont let it".

    Because that is the fucking line every retard uses..
    Not really, it actually works on a small scale, (aka Cuba) but on a large scale (aka USSR) turns out badly for everyone involved.
    Last edited by Darth Vader; 10-01-2009 at 02:18 PM.

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