It happens every so often that I get depressed, don't want to get out of bed, try to find my purpose, that whole thing. It struck sometime mid last week and I've just been sitting at my desk and work, trying to figure out if I'm really going to be relegated to facing a wall my entire life where I'm not allowed to hang pictures because, I shit you not, it makes my work space "too personal".

As I was walking to my car last night, I heard a man and a woman fighting. I had my keys out, and they were just yelling at each other, maybe about thirty feet from where I was. I thought about just getting in my car and driving off, but you hear so much about people that just stand by and do nothing, that whole Kitty Genovese thing. This lady was screaming pretty much, and the dude just kind of... punched her.

I yelled out, did the whole, "HEY!" thing, and the guy went, "WHAT?!" I walked over there, pretty much to tell him that he can't really hit someone like that, or to at least for the sake of everyone, knock her around in public, but when I got to his car, he took a swing at me. And he was super drunk. He ended up missing me and hitting the window of his car, and started crying out, clutching his fist. I'm standing there, shocked expression on my face, wondering what the hell is going on, when his girlfriend jumps up and starts screaming that I hit 'my man, my man, you hit my man, I'm going to call the police'. She stands up and is about to take a swing at me, when... I guess her guy was trying to calm her back down, but he yanked her really hard to the ground and just started holding her. They both started sobbing.

I just stood over them for a second, not knowing what to make of it, hands thrust in my coat pockets.

I walked away.

Still trying to find purpose.