Cool and not so cool things that have happened to me since I found LWS in 2004:

* Worked on 4 PC and Xbox 360 titles throughout 2004-2008, including two AAA titles: Pirates Vikings and Knights 2 and Galactic Bowling

* Got a DUI while 19 years old, blowing a .03, hungover from the night before

* Helped start Oriku Inc., which hosted one of the headlining presentations at Siggraph 2009, and while on the side also started building a new online image service, currently boasting over 500,000 registered users.

* Failed community college twice, and am currently taking English 2 (business writing) for the third time

* Recently got possession charges for weed and am currently the only pothead in my group therapy sessions which are filled with crackheads, heroin addicts, and 4-5 time DUI offenders.

* Am currently one of the hottest upcoming dubstep artists for 2011,

Oldfags from LWS, where has your life gone?