Quote Originally Posted by Mad Pino Rage View Post
I just went through Mad Men and now I'm hooked. I need to finish the last three seasons of Entourage which I think has recently ended. I caught a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy and want to get into as well as Trueblood. Also, I need to get into Dexter again. I'm all caught up on Southpark and Family Guy. I have no idea whats been going on with Weeds since the end of Season 5 or Breaking Bad.

My favorite show that I have no idea if they continued or not is Californication after season 4.

I kind of feel left out because I'm not really into sitcoms or regular network television. I don't understand the prejudice but I know trying to watch any quickly loses my interest.
Mad Men is awesome. Probably the second best show on TV at the moment behind Breaking Bad.

Ditch Weeds. It gets way, way worse. If you think it will ever be like it was for the first three seasons, you're mistaken. It only gets worse.

This last season of Breaking Bad was possibly the best season of television for any show, ever. That should be top priority.

Dexter's fine. This is a strong season, so if you liked last season you'll like this one a lot more.

Entourage is meh. I like it, but it's nothing special. Californication airs in a month, which I am looking forward to. That's a very good show.

I've yet to start this season of True Blood. It's low on my list at the moment. I still need to finish The Shield, watch season 1 of Game of Thrones, and keep up with Dexter and Homeland. Sons of Anarchy is somewhere on that list, probably above True Blood.

And to be honest, there's nothing particularly special about network sitcoms. Though I will say that Parks and Rec is an extremely well done show that doesn't get nearly enough attention. If you can get past the fact that the first season sucked, it really picks up in the second (plus season 1 is only six episodes, so it's not that much to deal with). Community is fine, probably overrated at this point because it's gotten worse, but it's good. Way better than Weeds and Entourage, that's for sure.

Family guy...I don't think I've watched since season six or so. Saw all the eps before that. All the fox animation sunday shows are stretched too thin in my opinion, they basically turned one show into three, and Family Guy definitely suffered for it.