Quote Originally Posted by BLMWolby View Post
Yeah, so. I think im part of a very short list of straight men who read the book. (Only because i was trying to get with this girl who was a super fan of it. I swear) So, me and all of my friends (I was the 2nd guy. The other one was gay. Oh Boy..) went to go see the midnight showing. All i have to say is i laughed my ass off throughout the WHOLE movie. 75% of it was outward, the rest was "Dear god these fangirls will murder me if i keep laughing) The main character's expressions the WHOLE time was ridiculous. Not to mention that both the main character and Jasper (the vampire brother with a jew-fro) looked ridiculously like Edward ScissorHands. (Moreso on Jasper's part... he had like 4 words in the movie?)

So in short... I give it a Meh on a scale of Ugh to OMFG
That's retarded. And queer.