Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
Bram Stoker had Dracula in daylight, non fatal. That came about with Nosferatu, but it certainly didn't make them shimmer in any way. And dismemberment WOULD work on any vampire, without the fire. The sure fire way, in Stoker's book, is something through the heart, but off the head, and garlic in the mouth. I believe Dracula is killed with a knife through the heart, as opposed to a stake.

What rules are you thinking of? The, uh... other rules that I've somehow forgotten?
Ok, now you're nitpicking. My point is, it's a fucking fictional story about vampires. You can make it so that they can only be killed when a half-asian redneck with a mullet sucks their dicque if you want to. Such are the rules of literature and artistic licence.

I had never heard about this film or about the book series on which it's based. The only thing I know is that my best friend and his girlfriend are going to see it tonight. Considering he has the nickname 'Emo Martin' and doesn't actually have a problem with that makes me think it's probably worth avoiding.