This thread is a tribute to the acting styles of possibly the best action star of our generation:

Peter Weller

Before he was a soldier for our hearts in movies, he was a solider for our nation, as a helicopter pilot in the Army, often flying LBJ.

His first notable appearance in film was The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension where he stole our hearts as the multi-talented Dr. Buckaroo Banzai, a physicist, neurosurgeon, Samurai, rock musician, Jet Car driver, and comic book hero.

His most notable performance in the visual arts was as brash cop Alex Murphy, am allegory to Christ. in a city of filth and decay he is gunned down tragically only to rise again as the cities savior: Robocop.

Whether it's battling aliens across space in a ludricous comic themed movie, or maintaining his independence despite an evil corporations best efforts to consumerize a city, Peter Weller is a man to respect, to fear, and more importantly to love.

Peter Weller
June 24, 1947 - Present