Surpised there wasn't a thread in this EA forum already about the film. What are your thoughts on the movie?

I think it looks very promising, certainly better than that awful T3. Christian Bale looks like he can play a decent John Connor, although I had really hoped they would recast Edward Furlong to maintain his resemblance and the connection to T2.

As far as the new generation of Terminators....well. The motorcycle robots are a bit out there, but not too extreme. The giant terminator is a little bit much. My biggest issue is with the T-600 terminators. Back in T1 Kyle Reese mentioned that the T-600s (the predecessors to the T-800 in the first Terminator movie) were easy to spot because they had rubber skin that looked fake, and that this latest model (the T-800) had living tissue over a mechanical endoskeleton, making them virtual impossible to distinguish from a human.

And now, three movies later we see the T-600 at last. But wait, it's eight feet tall! What the hell is up with that? Why bother clothing a terminator in rubber skin if you're going to make it taller than virtually all basketball players? There's a terminator wiki site that says that the rubber skin allows the T-600 to disguise itself at large distances, since it is difficult to judge size from far away. Really? Are you serious?