Quote Originally Posted by jack burden View Post
Wait...Terminator has always been dumb. It's not like it is some classic series renowned for its storytelling.
It was renowned until T3 came out. The first 2 are good films. T3 and T4 are good movies.

T3 stopped exploring the idea of fate and destiny, and how the future is always changing, and gave us - the future is set like this, deal with it. Forget the message of T1, T2, just trust us on this one. John Connor never had those general's that the T-X came back to kill, because she always killed them, and this always happened, so you never really had any generals.

T4 FLOPS THIS and says no fate but what we make it. Which is weird, because I viewed T4 as a prequel to T1, meaning, Kyle Reese was always kidnapped, Marcus always escaped custody, John always broke into that facility, etc.

And the Terminator franchise has never just been known as, "That big, dumb action movie."