Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
Jesus Christ, wolford, Stewart does not tell you what to think. His raison d'etre is to point out the absurdities of politics and media. Colbert is not quite the same, because he's lampooning a specifically conservative phenomenon so it's a little more pointed.

I get some of my news from Stewart, but not very much (because I never watch it these days due to not having cable) and I still get it from other places. Neither The Daily Show nor the Colbert Report are anywhere near as your O'Reillys or whoever because of the simple fact that they don't veil their shows in seriousness, righteousness or opinion (except Colbert, but only sarcasically). Their shows don't tell you what to think. Their shows show you what you should be laughing at. Their shows are comedy.

Your ideas about Stewart and Colbert are obviously dictated either by ignorance or by political bias.

O'Reilly is not satire. I can't even imagine how you could say otherwise.
gwahir I think you just missed the point of what I was saying. All of it.

That's probably my fault for forgetting the internet/sarcasm clause though. Actually I think that Mister Evolved got it pretty spot on.