Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous D View Post
The story was much better in MW3, and the ending was a SHITLOAD better. I didnt even know BF3 was over till I saw the credits roll. The ending to MW3 is great.

FOS games have short campaigns, we all know they mainly focus on the multiplayer.

And I played a little survival and Spec Ops with a friend last night. Its pretty fun.
I felt that the campaign to BF3 got pretty intense toward the end, but yeah the whole ending was pretty abrupt..I wanted to see some aftermath for that poor bastard too, seeing what the government had to say in all this and what not.

@Shitface: I only played about an hour of MW3 campaign so far, but as far as I can tell, I have seen 0 quick time events, if you wanna talk about quick time events, I think you may have been referring to BF3.. there were a lot in there..

I never owned MW2 so I'm not gonna hop on this shit about "wahwahwah i'm paying $60 for a map pack", theoretically I got it from Amazon for $51.99 no tax or shipping with release day shipping so, I'm happy. I would have preferred they offered $20 Amazon credit as they did with BF3. I haven't touched BF3 since MW3 came out, then again I haven't touched my PS3 much since I got my DotA2 beta key, but I definitely already spent at least 9 hours on multiplayer.

That being said, I'm confident MW3 will stay in my PS3 much longer, only because a few friends have BF3, and much more have MW3. It's much better to play with friends of course. I do however think the multiplayer was a bit rusty, hoping it would get patched up, and I can definitely say that I enjoyed Black Ops much better, but I sold it off for $30 before it's value would drop with the release of MW3.