Quote Originally Posted by UnreasonablyReasonable View Post
You need to know that you should check out FFVII after you beat X if you happen to like it. Though if you can't find that, then you can get FFVI (FFIII in America) much easier, and it also happens to be the favorite of many who have actually beaten it.

FFVII is easily my very favorite though. Not only because it has such amazing music (as do all the final fantasy games I've played, though VII takes the cake), but because it has so much mystery and intrigue even after you've beaten it. Though it's not the bad kind where you are like "why didn't they explain that?" It's the kind of conspiracy-theory feeling when you actually believe it may be true and that you are onto something that very few others know about. That probably sounds ridiculous, but FFVII should not be overlooked. FF7 Citadel (a website) has many cool things about the game that you don't even realize when you're playing, but that make a second play-through all the more engaging. Going there beforehand though would be a gigantic mistake as there is a massive spoiler that is hard to avoid when looking at anything about the game.

Good luck with X, let us know how it went and what you thought of it.
The only problem with getting FFVII is that it costs so fucking much nowadays.