Quote Originally Posted by hydro View Post
Let me know if that's any good. I've had my eye on it from the start. I'll probably play a mage someday, but I've been concentrating on a Warrior this time. I wish I'd known how to get it earlier or I'd have given it to Morrigan in my main playthrough.
I assume you mean blood magic? My roommate implied that there's a pact with a demon, and that it's nearly impossible for Morrigan to like you because she disapproves of most of the choices you need to make to get it, so swap her out for someone else while pursuing the specialization. He says it's super powerful (one of the dudes in the mage origin takes out 4 really strong guys in one spell with it)

I want to do warrior and go reaver specialized with it. the blood splatter mechanic is freaking awesome.