Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

You people should probably shut your mouths about things you clearly know nothing about. I was nearly killed for being in an interracial couple. I was severely psychologically damaged by the threats I received for being in an interracial couple. Even when I left the south and was in another interracial relationship in the midwest I was still looked down upon and mistreated for being in an interracial relationship (especially by the girl's family).

You people think that this stigma doesn't exist, but that's because you've never been there. Anyone can say anything when it isn't affecting them, but if it entered your world for real you would see the facade society has created crumble.

I just wanted to nip this idealistic notion that this didn't exist in the bud. As for advice, be prepared to deal with a lot of flack. Depending on where you live things could actually get pretty bad, but don't let that fact stop you from doing something that you would want to do. Only by more people having interracial relationships can we actually get to the point where the stigma is rare. If this thread has taught me anything it is that people don't even realize this is a problem, but only through progress and fuller immersion can we turn their idealism into more of a reality.

In the end, though, follow your heart, not your brain dude.
Damn dude where was this?! I am going out with a half black, half Puerto Rican girl and everyone seems really cool about it. Though I am betting when it's a black guy it's an entirely different situation. But damn, I had just shocked this kind of thing still happens!