OP here. All of your replies, and from what I could take from them, has built my confidence up higher than it was before. I was very much so tempted to just kiss her right then and there, but, as many of you have said, I pussied out for a variety of reasons. No need to get into them, as some of them are obvious, but I certainly felt very close to just doing it, so this is what I'll remember for next time.

Quote Originally Posted by gina
As for her being a lesbian, I've only known like 3 lesbians in my entire life and they were all short haired and liked other girls with short hair. I don't think she's gay, she's just probably way shyer than you.
Thank you. Finally someone else who sees my point of her not being a lesbian.

Either way, my confidence is definitely built up now. This is a good sign. I don't think I blew it, as yesterday at 3:30 AM, I drove her home, my arm on the car seat she was sitting in, and she rested her head on my arm. Little things like this I look for, and there's starting to be more and more of them, so I'm going to make my move soon.

Thanks Internet. I'll be sure to let you all know of the end result.

And to show my thanks, since this thread has Asthon Kutcher in the title, I will now post pictures of Ashton Kutcher: