just take on the whole site, U.S. users and international, to discuss why America is headed for the crapper, but I'm not going to do anything about it but bitch and we can wax that philosophy as well.

Our country is broken. The 2 party system is broken. To quote a recent post I made on Digg explaining this a bit:
If anyone is interested in political theory, pick up a copy of Anthony Downs - An Economic Theory of Democracy. It's an older book (1957) but has a lot of great timeless stuff that is truer now than ever. Of particular interest is his theory about the ideological bell curve, that most voters clump into the middle and in order to capture the most votes, a candidate has to become a centrist. This is exactly what has happened recently with our two party system, aside from some small differences they are pretty much for exactly the same things - they just word it differently so that the public thinks they are much more different than they really are. Think about it, and think about the big picture associated with each major platform piece of McCain and Obama. They are essentially identical platforms by design.
A similar idea (actually the exact same updated idea, linked to a math-filled PDF):

So what the fuck? I'm a registered Republican, but there is no way I would vote for McCain/Palin. McCain doesn't even control his campaign, the GOP tells him what to do. Palin is a wreckless choice for VP.
Obama is no better, if he gets elected we will turn into a socialist country and keep fighting wars just as much as McCain.

I dream at night about the John Titor story coming true and we get ourselves into a civil war and world war to sort things out. Sure a lot of people will die but at this point that is the only way, since people like me (I have a political science degree and worked in Washington, D.C. but I still don't understand the half of all of this) are too lazy to do anything about it except rant on the internet.