(surprised no-one has done this before)

Honestly, I can't see myself posting here much anymore. I hate to sound like a butt hurt idiot, but there's really nothing for me at this site, if this kind of poor decision making is going to be prevalent.

I mean, KT? There's literally a dozen people who have seniority, but also a history of making good posts. Hydro at the very least, let alone Togs, Benzss, etc

Also, the fact that we don't have a nerdcore, haven't had a nerdcore, and probably won't get a nerdcore, and a decent reason hasn't really been given yet is ridiculous. Plus, on the last CD we had at least 4 or 5 guys ready to run TWGs back to back to encourage participation, and we're on the cusp of both of the main comic companies biggest events in recent years coming to a head, but oh I guess we can just lump those into EA, right?

And no offense to tengu, I know he's had a busy schedule or whatever, but we didn't see you for like a month or two before CD went down, and I've been lurking #lws almost daily since, and hadn't heard from you until it came back up. You wanna run a site like this, and try and treat it as a serious endeavor to the point where you feel having a nerdcore forum (which would please numerous posters who've been with this group since nearly the beginning and a lot of newbies) would be a black mark that might scare people away because they'd fear inactivity, but you aren't going to take part in the running of it at all?

I mean this forum has been up for the better part of a week and you just barely appointed a mod, I don't think there are any smilies yet, and we just got an actual CD logo? Come on man, you can't buy the dog, not feed it, and expect it not to bark once or twice

So anyway, I'll probably hop on #lws and #flames still to talk to people I don't get much of a chance to, and there are quite a few people I'll be sad to not talk to anymore. My email address is [email protected] if you guys wanna email me there and exchange contact information.

Have a good one guys, and thanks for the laughs