Quote Originally Posted by sithmaster View Post
I know. We have the old shit with the fucking antennas on them here at Riley, and NTC had the newer shit. Though, the newer shit still didn't work, and of course the OCs kept their opfor alive no matter how many .50 rounds hit the dude.
JRTC is the same, we had an Abrams firing its Ma-Deuce at some OPFOR hiding behind an 8-inch block wall. The guy not only stayed in the fight, but wiped out most of my squad on our way to the schoolhouse. Only three of us made it where we were taken out by guys firing down on us at the entrance. Most MILES I've seen is the older boxy stuff.

As for the helmet cams, AWG's unique role is to assist units in adapting to the ever-changing face of battle in today's conflicts. These helmet cams allow AWG operators and commanders to have a more interactive AAR and those not in the fight to see firsthand what needs to be fixed and what needs to stay the same. Makes much more sense than a fat kid having a webcam.