Of course. A lot of the problem is this imbalance of knowledge. It's like when I take my car to a mechanic - I have no fucking clue if he fixed it, if extra work was necessary, if he's charging me a fair price or even how long it will run after he's done. A car is a complicated machine and I have no idea how it works, but he does. If he bullshits me, I can't call him on it without learning the same shit myself (which I have neither the time or inclination to do). Same deal with banking: poor people complain about symptoms and espouse the metaphorical equivalent of folk remedies while those who understand what's going on can straight up bullshit their way out of it. Others who know in the same field may catch them, but the distinguishing features between the arguments are so specific and arcane to an average person that it's more a matter of faith who they actually believe.

Also, the ultra-rich industries have been, unsurprisingly, the least-affected by the recent recession. Fancy beach resorts in Indonesia (built on tidal-waved homes of locals) were hardly affected, as were pretty much any specialty hobby that cater specifically to the extraordinarily wealthy. Their response to thousands of poor people losing jobs and complaining legitimately about shitty living conditions has been largely apathy, seasoned with mild scorn. Forgive my lower-middle class self-righteous indulgence in thumbing my nose at those at the tail-end of the superrich who fell off the wagon and complain about earning over 5 times what I do. Justifying this by defending the jobs of dogwalkers is fucking inane and pointing out specialization of education combined with whatever circumstances (familial or luck-based) that led to their business success in life means nothing if they're doing a shitty job. In a free-market perspective, if they're doing a shitty job, market forces will collapse their industry (look at people who used to run computer mainframes back in the '90s who didn't adapt to a changing work environment) and they can change with it or they're fucked. I give the same amount of pity given in the first place.