Quote Originally Posted by StonedOne View Post
Also, if everything (as you say) is already pre-determined by either some mathematical equation or some god (in this case, the christian version), then why does probability exist at all?
Because probability is our best tool right now. We don't understand enough to give exact predictions. Maybe one day we will be able to ditch probabilistic predictions.

Quote Originally Posted by StonedOne View Post
In a famous scientific study (the Milgram experiment), subjects were asked to deliver higher and higher amounts of electrical shocks to another person (perceived real volts) as part of a supposed "teaching" experience to the 'learning' confederate. Most people went up to the highest voltage. Note the usage of the word "most"; not all of them did, despite the idea that people will act predictably when given these scenarios.
Those different people grew up differently, had different causal chains.

Quote Originally Posted by StonedOne View Post
The psychologist who described the method for Operant Conditioning theorized that if he put a child in a box, and only allowed the child to know what he taught him/her, then he could control every single behavior that child had... is this something that you agree with?
Regardless of their answer, this is irrelevant to the argument.

Quote Originally Posted by StonedOne View Post
Again, the entire argument for predetermination hinges on the idea of God's existence or that of a mathematical formula deciding every single speck of dust's future--and neither of these work within the grounds of logical reasoning.
Sure they do. Show a contradiction.