Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
I don't say writer's block because I know that you might not have any ideas if you're a photographer or a painter or a musician (which is still writing, I suppose!) in just the same way as if you are a writer.

So, when the ideas drought hits you, what do you do? Or, if you have an idea and you just don't know how to execute it, what's your process?

I have different processes. I have an ideas board on my wall (backwards wrapping paper blu-tacked up there) that I put up to try and keep me motivated, but it hasn't worked perfectly. When I don't have any new ideas I fall back on the project I do have, which is adapting a P.G. Wodehouse novel for the stage. Otherwise I just sit and try and force an idea out. What really kills me is when I do have basic, vague ideas but no detail and no idea how to execute it. Still haven't found a cure for that yet. My biggest problem is basic laziness -- I sit at my computer thinking "I could write, but there are so many episodes of Psych I haven't seen yet".

My second biggest problem is my judgment telling me "I don't have the talent to become a great writer, and if I can never be great, there's no point writing", but that's something I need to deal with myself.
I'm going to be completely honest here, but some of the absolute best ideas I have come from sleep deprivation and caffeine. Once I get an idea, I play it out to it's maximum possible limit and the edge back a bit for what I want. Albeit, my ideas usually surround trying to give real historical events fun and interesting explanations or clever "twists" for stories.