There I was, all curled up in my bed and just about to go off to dream land when I start hearing weird noises. Groggily I get up, step out into the hallway and continue to hear clattering and thumping sounds.The sounds are easy to track because they are coming from the room next to my own. I peer into the empty room and see someone outside the window trying to jimmy it open with a stick. Since it was dark outside and the person trying to break in was wearing all black, my still sleepy brain registered the person as a thief and told me to take action. I calmly went back into my room, grab my .357 and stood in the doorway, waiting for the idiot to enter the window where I would stick the gun in his face.

I wasn't sure if I were awake enough or had the balls enough to actually shoot, but I'd figure that out later. Oddly enough the thought of calling the cops did cross my mind but only after I grabbed my gun. I then figured by the time I went back into my room to grab my cell, I'd lose the element of surprise, so no 911 calls yet.

Finally the window slides open, and the soon-to-be-shot thief ducks into my house. I have no idea why, but it was at that moment I flipped on the room lights and raised the pistol while I shouted "Stop!"

My brother looks up at me and almost shits himself.

I almost die laughing.

Apparently my brother had left his keys at his girlfriend's house and didn't know I was home. He remembered that one of our windows doesn't have a lock on it and decided to get in that way. Of course that was the window in the room next to my room. So now that we had a good laugh about it, I put the gun away and placed a dowel in the window so it can't be jimmied.

All in all, the sound of a B and E isn't the greatest way to start your day.