Quote Originally Posted by victrola View Post
Oh my god! over 80 VMs over 5 weeks? That works out to be 2 to 3 per day! How on earth do you ignore that and get on with your life?

I've hit another nerve!
Yeah....no. Do you have any idea how repetitive and boring this little campaign of yours is? Obviously not, since you're keeping on with it, with absolutely no effect on me or my posting. If anyone looks frustrated with no place to vent it other than typing versions of "I hate Cryptic" over and over, it's you. You've never met me, you never will, I don't have any impact on your day to day life yet you insist on banging your head against the same brick wall as far as I'm concerned. At first it was annoying, then a little flattering, now it's just pathetic and boring.