So since I am driving a big ass truck and gas prices are still painfully high, I came up with a few ideas to get some extra coin. My first plan involved working, but lets face it, that sucks. My second plan involved being a pimp, but I ain't got no ho's to go upside their heads. My third plan was to help save a life and donate some plasma (and get some cash too.)

Unfortunately, it was a new employee who was assigned to take my first sample.

At first it was kinda cute the way she blushed as she asked me a few of the preliminary questions such as "Have you exchanged gifts for sex in the last four years?" Jokingly I told her that if I could afford getting hookers or was one, I probably wouldn't be selling my blood. Instead of laughing she blushed more as she asked if I had boned anyone from Africa in the last ten years. Though that would have made me a ten year old pimp, I told her no.

Fast forward after many pauses for her as she stumbled over the phrases "Sexual Favors," "Anal," and "Unprotected."

Now we get to the part where I am balling and unballing my hand into a fist to get the good ol' juices flowing. As I am doing this, she puts on some fresh rubber gloves and then attempts to put on one of those rubber ties on my arm. First time she did it, it was so tight that it was painful. The second time it slipped down to my elbow. Third time was just right save for the arm hair she ripped out accidentally.

Now comes the last part of the process and for me, the scariest. The needle. So she takes one syringe shakily. Too shakily. She dropped the damn thing where it rolled off the counter. Apologizing she picks it up and dusts it off. I was like "FUCK NO!" and she got the point (ha ha) and threw that needle away. She then confesses it was her first day (no way!) and please excuse her why she goes and a new needle.

The second she was in the back room I was gone. Ninja vanish gone.

So anyone else have a scary story of an incompetent/nervous medical examiner or person?